Frequently Asked Questions

On each coin page there is a chart of the dexscreener pair containing a live price. We update the price of each coin from Dex logs directly from on-chain data. However due to caching, it may take up to 10 mins to reach you.

We collect data from many different sources. Our main data comes directly from on-chain contracts like uniswap. We also take data from GoPlsLabs for contract reviews & various central exchanges like Coinbase for chain native coins, meme coins with their own chain and other coins.

We hope to sit somewhere inbetween CoinMarketCap and Twitter (ok, I mean X). As meme coins rely much more on community that traditional crypto, we find that there isn't enough of a community focus with memecoins on CoinMarketCap. We hope to be the central hub for people to discover new meme coins, their backgrounds and the stories behind them. Different metrics can be much more helpful to gauge memecoins like follower history and coin raking trends.

Since we generally collect data from either on-chain or third party sources, its better to check all your other coin data publications first. If there are still issues, you may contact us at [email protected]. However, you will be required to provide proof of ownership of any coin you need to update.

Contact us at [email protected] and we will get in touch to discuss opportunites.

We currently process on-chain data for two main meme chains: base and ethereum (with support for solana coming soon). All tokens created on these chains are available here as we don't apply any filters. It is too difficult to determine which are scams and which are legit when they first start out. We do display token reviews to help you make your decision as getting in early to a token is the best time to make the most amount of profits. With this being said, its also the most risky time. Any cryptocurrencies we are sure are a scam would not make it onto any prominent places on the site. It would still be available to view so our users can understand how the token rugged to help avoid it in the future.

The market capitalization is calculated using the following formula: Market Cap = Circulating Supply * Price The price is kept up to date with on-chain events or cex data. The Circulating supply is kept up to date (including burns) from on-chain data.

We provide token security reviews through a few third party providers (like GoPlsLabs), we also review many contracts ourselves. These reviews are displayed each coin page. However, these cannot always provide a 100% accurate picture of the security. They are automated but the scams being run are always evolving so more indepth analysis is always a good idea.

This usually requires more technical in-depth knowledge with how contracts interact & the solidity language. Whilst we do conduct our own contract reviews, we do not publish them anywhere yet. Check back in a few months as we are planning to release a series of blog posts on all the different types of exploits used to scam you out of your money! As many people try to get into meme coins as early as possible (even a few seconds after the coin is created), its more important than ever to know what to look out for to keep your money safe.

As an example, the latest scam we found was a token on the ethereum chain which was initially marked as safe by the automated contract reviewers, but contained a very subtle solidity bug where a variable was renamed incorrectly then used somewhere where it shouldn't have been. Threw off many reviewers but allowed the attacker to gain an infinite amount of tokens and so dump the price.

The AllTheMemeCoins bot crawls various crypto sites to enhance and help users find the memes they want. It obeys robots.txt and will not follow any routes listed under disallowed. The maximum crawl rate of any site is 1 page every 3 seconds and 1 asset (like images) every second. To opt out of content already crawled, send an email to [email protected] and we will remove your requested content. The crawler always sets the user agent header in each request so you know the requests are from us.