About AllTheMemeCoins

AllTheMemeCoins is a site for discovering and learning about Meme coins. Founded in June 2024, AllTheMemeCoins is quickly gaining popularity among the meme coin community. Meme coins are typically cryptocurrencies that are based on a meme or a joke. They are often created as a parody or satire of the cryptocurrency industry.

Pricing data and any tokenomics is retrieved either from etherscan or directly from on-chain events so its as fast as possible to get information directly to you. Social data is retrieved directly from the social platforms (including x, discord, reddit, youtube, telegram & facebook)

Whilst we display various financial data points, we also focus heavily on the community aspect, showing images / gifs & socials of what the meme coin is about. We also include a trust score / contract analysis, related family / collection coins and scam lookalike tokens.


Whilst we do our best to keep all data up to date and as accurate as possible, we cannot guarentee its accuracy 100%. Meme coins are notious and one of the most popular methods for attracting scammers. We collect data from multiple sources and do our own evaluations to help uncover scams quickly so you can keep your money safe.

No information on this site constitutes investment advice, financial advice, trading advice or any other sort of advice.

Some data can be displayed straight from on-chain data meaning it is not always seen by a human before being published by third parties. Whilst we do our best to remove content including, but not limited to: any offencive material, nudity & anything obscene, we cannot guarantee that it will be removed in time.