Market Cap
Total Supply
934,000,000,000.000000 roar
Contract Addresses
terra-2: terra...3eelv
Security Summary
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About Lion DAO

What is the project about?
Lion DAO is a DAO built on the Terra blockcahin Using the DAO creation tool Enterprise.Money

What makes your project unique?
We are the largest community DAO on Terra

History of your project.
Lion DAO was created alongside the launch of Enterprise.Money on 30th March. Lion DAO was created by RyanLion a well known crypto "influencer" with over 30K followers on Twitter with the mission of showing the power of Enterprise.Money, the protocols & tools available on Terra & the interoperability of Cosmos SDK & IBC.

What’s next for your project?
The DAO will continue it's journey across the Cosmos. The token has already been bridged to 5 other Cosmos blockchains including Osmosis, Kujira, Juno, Injective, White Whale & HUAHUA

What can your token be used for?
The token is the governance token of Lion DAO. It can be staked for governance decision making within the DAO including decisions over treasury management, DAO configuration & earn staking rewards.

Whale Transactions
No whale information to show